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Welcome newbies!

Whether this is your first time being tattooed, or just your first time being tattooed with Jess, this page will be helpful.


Exfoliate, exfoliate & moisturise, moisturise! This is a simple but super effective way to prep your skin, for best results start right away and focus on the area you wish to be tattooed. Poor skin condition can lead to long healing times, poor ink distribution, higher risk of infections, double your time in the chair and more frequent touch ups. keep up the moisturiser over your life, you will see a huge difference. Refrain from drinking caffeine in the morning of your appointment ( its shoots anxiety and can be linked to poor heals)

OPSITE HEALING – I prefer to use OPSITE to heal my tattoos, they speed up your healing process, and have a great ability to maintain more colour. I will normally put your first bandage on in the studio but, if you wish to buy replacement opsite bandage’s ahead of time here is my first choice either online or Priceline pharmacies


  • arms/ shoulders – Please wear strapless tops, or tops that can be hiked up above the shoulder line.
  • Lower legs – shorts
  • Thighs/ buttocks – shorts that are stretchy for thighs & a clean towel for buttocks/ hips The towel will wrap around you as you will not be able to wear underwear while tattooing the hip/ buttocks/ side region.
  • sternum/ ribs– stick on bras are perfect! or nipple shields.
  • backs– bring a shirt with buttons and wear it backwards


Parking – Paid parking is on site, or directly across the road at the ROYAL hotel.

Depending on your appointment time there will be a lunch break in your tattoo session. Please bring your own lunch, we have a fridge and microwave for easy heating and storage. Bring along headphones, and your own towel if its hot ( so you don’t stick to the protective film on the bed) or blanket if its cold. Snacks a lollies are always welcome as sugar actually helps with releasing endorphins which is your bodies natural pain relief! You can take Panadol during your tattoo session ( but not before) so bring this along, and a big bottle of water- keeping hydrated is vital.

Remember the calmer you are, the better your experience will be so whilst it is normal being nervous about your new tattoo try to enjoy the process rather than fight against it. Pain is subjective, and mostly a mental process, You 100% can do this however, Never be afraid to speak up if you feel like your body has had enough. Many tattoos often need multiple sits anyway so finding you another appointment is easy and actually better for your healing process, and longevity of your tattoo.

Sometimes the skin/ body will push back on the artist and this means you will need another sitting or smaller sittings to complete it – this is also a normal part of the process, so trust your body and the process.


Please see the after care instructions

Payment is due the day of your appointment. Whilst I prefer cash, Eftpos /credit card payment is always available in the studio.

Thank you x


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